Let’s get together and feel alright

All faiths are one, in the end. We practice in different ways and we use different words and we make different rituals for ourselves, but even scientists are one with us. Even the most atheistic believes in something, and that thing he or she believes in, call it what you will, is the same thing I am talking about, and the same thing that Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists are talking about.

We have different habits, for a variety of reasons. One family teaches to respect bread and wine, and from this family a large number of rituals developed. So regarded were the bread and wine that prayers were to be said over them every night, and they were to be shared. This is the core of Judaism in the conservative and reform traditions, as I experienced it. There was a lot more to it than that, of course, a lot of traditions passed down by play-acting ancient dramas, but in each of these stories the bread was so prominent. Exodus is about the bread of affliction, the manna from heaven.

Risen bread is the essence of Christianity, too.

Wine, like bread, is fermented by a yeast.

So is cheese, but this is part of another tradition.

So are many other things.

We should share our recipes, and stop fighting.

Postscript: Speaking of atheists, a lot of them drink beer, which is also yeast.

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2 Responses to “Let’s get together and feel alright”

  1. GEL Says:

    Well, we although we don’t share using “maryjane”, I have liberal views. I raise a glass of joy (a full cup of wine is the symbol of joy in Judaism as you undoubtedly know), to sharing recipies (especially ones that make Pesach more palatable). Peace (b’shalom)

  2. whig Says:

    Cannabis wine could be very fine.

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