The food of love

Love is the main ingredient

The ship of state is taking on water

I’m kind of at a loss for what to say about the fact that nuclear weapon plans were published by the Bush administration in order to make a case against Saddam Hussein. I mean, they invoke national security to silence their torture victims, but here’s the plans for the atomic bomb?

Watch the wingnuts attack the New York Times for leaking the story that the administration leaked nuclear technology.

Update: Doctor Biobrain has more.

The sound of silence

When the government tortures people, it wants nobody to know. Now comes the administration and says that a court should forbid its victims from even telling their lawyers that they have been subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, for this is pretended to be a matter of national security.

The Washington Post has the story.

Hat-tip to John in DC.

Let there be love

Say hello

For Douglas