No real than you are

Reuters has video.

Ego Leonard

Chickenings writes:

Seems like it is an actual thing:

And just on the off-chance your Dutch isn’t quite fluent just yet, here’s a bit of what it says…

“My name is Ego Leonard and I greet you from the virtual world. A world which for me stands for luck, solidarity, everything green and blooming, and without rules and restrictions. Recently, my world has been flooded with luck-seekers and those who want power. Many new meetings in my virtual world have left me very curious as to your surroundings. I am here because I thought of your world and wanted to discover and understand it. Show me all of those beautiful things which your world has to offer. Be my friend, and tell me tales, take me on your travels to beautiful landscapes, show me your words and gestures.”

Hat-tip Doug Stych, who is now proud to be called a liberal though I don’t think he’s a parasite.