

Universe within

Natural and abundant, not semiperfect

All things connect

A sticky end

Loops of complexity

I love you


Provisional realities

The Wørd


h/t Monkeyfister, and thanks to Stephen Colbert for the idea.


For the time being

Brother John is Number Nine


Thanks Eli.


We’re watching you because we love you

The Simpsons v. the Faux Noise machine

Len Hart has much more.

Because women and space aliens don’t smoke pot

This stupidest ad ever, via thehim.

Okay, I’m sorry if that seems harsh… But really?

Update: Thehim has data suggesting that there may be a real gender gap.

Update 2: Oh, what the heck.

How does it make you feel?

Video by Demetrius, Renee’s husband (in Ohio).

Sunday (the day before my birthday — really!)


As above, so below

Exploding psychology

That’s inappropriate

Change for the machines

First verse

Rush the flaccid dope fiend smelled like a pig, and wallowed in the deep crevasse that lay beneath his legs.

Related post:

Update: Here is what this is about.

Rush has the same first amendment rights as I do, but nobody pays me to be a racist.

Saturday Cartoons

My daughter found this one. What’s uncanny is I could swear Oscar is actually singing the song in places. Enjoy….

Right fucking now.

Did someone say Godwin’s Law had been suspended?

Hat-tip Len Hart.

Related post:

Katie Couric: Plagiarist

Passing someone’s words off as your own without attribution is plagiarism. Reading someone else’s words in first person, saying things like, “I still remember when I got my first library card, browsing through the stacks for my favorite books,” is dishonest if it was not your own recollection. But having ghost writers in news reporting is one thing, and having ghost writers who themselves plagiarize other writers is another. If you read a work-for-hire, you claim credit, so you must also accept responsibility.

Katie owes the American public an apology, a correction for the record, and very possibly her resignation unless she can demonstrate some reason we should trust her now.

And I owe more thanks to Melissa McEwan for this:

Update: It’s interesting to Google for “Katie Couric plagiarist” — you find gems like this.

Update 2: I should have included the direct link to Oliver Willis above. It’s a gem:

She clearly wasn’t involved at all. She had no idea what she was saying. They stuck something on a teleprompter and like she’s done for years now, Couric just read the darn thing.

Sad, but if true, it’s hardly an excuse.

Eurocentric, but good.

My generation remembers, and we do not forget the terrible price inflicted. We need a time to heal.

The times in which this was made and broadcast, we were children, they could say no more than this much. We can say more now. We need to learn to live in peace with one another and to respect our different traditions, while allowing our children to go outside our old traditions. We need to acknowledge that the sins of our forefathers are visited upon their victims, and make our own apologies for having the fruits of injustice. Yet the good that our fathers did may outweigh any incidental harm if we can all find a way to share the fruits of joy and love with one another.

I ask forgiveness of all who may think I have done them a harm by existing, or by accepting any gift which helps to sustain my life, if it ever occurred at your expense and without permission. I do not wish to be led astray from the truth by hopes of wealth, but I wish to preserve and protect that which is valuable to all of humankind.

If you feel I have done a greater harm, or if I have done one that could not be avoided that requires more explanation, I will ask that I be told. This is not the place for putting personal grievances which require knowledge of who I am, but to what you see before you. If you feel I am unjust or wrong, tell me so.

Break on through to the other side

Story of Rabbit

Hat-tip Neil Gaiman.

Recommended viewing:

This is my message to you.

Recommended listening:

Make love, not war.

I believe every word that man just said — because it’s exactly what I wanted to hear

The shouty track

Update: Replacement video: Read the rest of this entry »

Late show

A change of perspective — understand highness.

Related post:

George Washington for president

Update: replacement video: Read the rest of this entry »

Try tempting me with a carrot.

Green light


And a buried reference in the words of this song, leads to this.

Two minute break