The causative organism was first thought to be Afipia felis, but this was disproven by immunological studies

Libby Spencer @ The Newshoggers:

If there is anyone more pathetic than wannabe has-been Ted Nugent, I don’t really want to know who it is. Taking a page from the Ann Coulter manual on public speaking, the hapless, never was a rock star, Nugent had this to say.

Renegade right-winger Ted Nugent recently went on a vicious onstage rant in which he threatened the lives of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, “Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary,” he continued. “You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.” Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming “freedom!”

Here’s video. NSFW, obviously.

Making terroristic threats against presidential candidates, I would think is something the secret service might be interested in.

Which one looks like the cleverly disguised cop?

Maude and the Cleverly Disguised Cop

Click to find out which one really is.

Update: Watch the video to see what’s going on here:

Update 2: The Gazetteer has more. Apparently the police are still lying about this incident.

Maybe this should have been seized by the TSA?

Swiss Army Knife

But no, pudding is scarier.

Maybe if he’d said it was nursery pudding?

Category entry: Stupid (noun)


Nicely inconspicuous, this one is.

Hat-tip Bradley @ Incertus, who has this update:

Curtis Allgier, a convicted burglar and white supremacist, briefly escaped from custody today by stealing a corrections officer’s gun and murdering him. This is not the first time Allgier has been a fugitive– he keeps running from authorities and trying to blend in with the general population.