Remembering old times

Ah, when I was a young and idealistic Republican, and supported George Bush the father for president. My father had supported him when I was young, and so I supported him when I became politically active. Of course, I saw a lot of corruption in the Republican party even then, as a high school student, a lot of people who were selfish and greedy for themselves, but I didn’t join for those reasons. I was brought up, in some sense, as an American royalist.

I think a lot of people in my generation were, and I think a lot of them have continued to be born and raised into this system to prop up the Republican government. But the Republican government is discredited, you cannot keep it. That is not a threat that Benjamin Franklin was making, that was a summary of the compromise that was made in the drafting of the constitution. A Republic, to replace the Democracy that was then failing under conditions antecedent to war. A situation not so different in some ways from Iraq whenever the United States might withdraw. A situation well prepared for a bloodless and voluntary coup d’etat.

And so here we are, and while George Bush the elder is effectively president again, the coup remains in power.

What’s our next step? I’m going to go visit family. I’ve got a life.

Oh, who am I kidding? I’m a blogger. This is my life. It’s a pretty good one, except for the money.

This is for the grass roots.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Don’t get fooled again.

George Bush

I recommend reading No Blood For Hubris, who has collected a number of snippets that suggest that Robert Gates is not a choice of this president but of his father.

That changes the equation rather significantly, inasmuch as it means that George Bush Sr. is asserting through his friends and network the true presidency of the United States during this interim period of his son’s trial.

Of course, George H.W. Bush wasn’t elected president in 2006, but his son was effectively voted out of power.

This is supposed to rally the “moderate” Republican base, to return to the standard of a formerly respected administration, one which made war on Iraq but withdrew, and did not become an occupying power.

Dick Cheney is discredited too, and he exercises his power only through the fallen son. He is Wormwood, diseased and disregarded. Still dangerous, and he has his own power base. But blood is thicker than water, and in the fall of the son we have the father again to behold.

Hello George Bush.

New stars are being conceived and born

This image was released by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and NASA on Tuesday.

Hat-tip to watertiger, who has the best eyes in blogtopia (y!sctp!)

Light posting

Going to Los Angeles for an extended weekend family visit. I’m not leaving until Friday but I have a lot to get done before then, so I figured I should warn my readers now. I’ll have a laptop with me so I’ll try to post at least something every day.

If I said this is an open thread, it probably won’t get any replies anyhow. Nobody seems to like those here. Well, you can if you want, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Or something like that.

Do you like a duet?

Oh yeah, you just try not to laugh

Hat-tip to watertiger.

Breathe this in

Fallen angel

“We sentence you to be exposed before your peers.”

Hat-tip to watertiger.

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A little too much distortion…

Music for being stoned.