This video is too long.

Hat-tip to Echidne.

4:20 intermission

Here’s looking at you, kids

Happy Christmas, everyone.

“So long and thanks for all the IEDs.”

NTodd says it right. His blog Dohiyi Mir is also now on the permanent blogroll.

My country, ’tis not of thee

America has never been called “the Homeland” by anyone but fascists.

Chris Dashiell is now on our permanent blogroll.

Declaring peace on Christmas

Peace wreath

A Colorado subdivision banned this wreath sign for being “divisive” or possibly even “Satanic” (??!). Or rather, one Bob Kearns, who claims to be president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs banned it. First he ordered the committee to require Lisa Jensen to remove the wreath from the outside of her home. They declined. Then he purported to fire all five committee members. Lisa Jensen was herself a past association president.

Mrs. Whig says, “Give wreath a chance.”

Update: Speaking of signs of the times

Update 2: I’ve posted a better picture of the peace wreath.

Update 3: Pagosa Springs declares Peace.

Progressive Jazz, a nifty little number

Honor your parents

Brett Stone, who runs DaBronx News (now on our blogroll), is a medical marijuana patient in southern California. As a fundraiser to help the collective, he will roll a 112 gram joint on New Year’s Day: that’s about three feet in length. You have to understand that medical marijuana is legal in California — even if the federal government disagrees — even if it were possible to imagine that the American people would allow their mothers and fathers to be locked in prison for using the only thing that treats their pain and dementia. We won’t tolerate that any more and the rest of the country agrees with us when they understand how they have been deceived. Cannabis is food and medicine, it is benign.

Always judge the tree by its fruit. We have been lied to. You see with your own eyes whether cannabis helps, and you see whether it harms, but no harms can be found. You might not like it, but that’s hardly different from me not liking broccoli. Quite literally, they are both healthy vegetables. Eat your spinach.

Hat-tip to FoM.

Penny for your thoughts

To those who serve the executive

Those who answer to the executive branch of government should take heed that they are not immune for following orders, even if those orders are cloaked in pretended legality, if you know that they go against your conscience. You must not torture if you do not want to be tortured by your conscience when you understand what you have done to yourself.

Those who are held in illegal detention (having been deprived of due process and subjected to cruel and unusual punishments in the absence of trial or conviction) should be well-treated, for you will be begging their forgiveness.

As the wheels of justice turn exceedingly slowly, still they turn, and they will make right what has been made wrong.

Do you call them terrorists, and think they are not entitled to be treated as human beings? They are removed from the field of battle, if they were ever upon it, and there is nothing to be gained by such a policy. That they could be prisoners of war is not in question, but the administration refuses to so designate them.

Those who commit war crimes should be charged and tried as such, and treated with every humane courtesy as befits one who is innocent before proven guilty. This is your constitution, these are your laws, and your conventions. By the same standards you proclaim will you be held.