I love music


So this is my first experiment to embed straight audio: my friend Terry Hubbard and FAM performing their song, A Matter of Design.

Get out of Iraq, killers

Chuck Dupree has an excellent essay on the current situation in Iraq. It is a common thing for those who advocate a military solution to say that there must be a pony in there somewhere. There’s no pony, it’s an ass and it will kick you in the teeth if you keep trying to bugger it.

Sorry it comes out so crudely but I won’t edit that. It’s just too accurate a metaphor.

Mimikatz has more,

The proponents of the stay-and-die “policy” in Iraq always say that things will be much worse, if not catastrophic, if we leave. They seem to assume that if we stay, things will stay the same, if not improve. But there is no basis for this belief. In reality, if we stay things can get much, much worse, and they are heading rapidly in that direction.

Say hello

to Allison’s Wonderland. Allison Margolin is a criminal attorney in Los Angeles, and bills herself as “LA’s dopest attorney.”

Republicans are discredited

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton defined the first two American political parties. Democratic-Republicans and Federalists were their respective allies. Since that time there have remained two “major parties” which, roughly speaking, take up these old positions to a greater or lesser extent and with more or less criminality.

Although the Democratic-Republicans have divided in two, the party has never been discredited to the degree that it has had to be replaced. The Federalists, representing always the more conservative of the split, were replaced many times. Most recently, Abraham Lincoln replaced the Whig party with the currently named Republican party.

I’m not that kind of Whig, anyhow.