Hurricane Saturn

A month ago, it was Hurricane Jupiter.

Hat-tip to Jane Hamsher.

Update: It turns out this is post #555 on cannablog, for those who find such details interesting.

There always seems to be music

Cannabis is benign

It’s that simple.


1. Kind; gentle; mild.

2. (medicine) Not posing any serious threat to health; not particularly aggressive or recurrent.

Hat-tip to afterburner.

A story of human rights

We will walk – on the land
We will breathe – of the air
We will drink – from the stream
We will live – hold the line

Are you watching?

Related post:

Just a simple control neuron in a larger brain

Medicine man

A marriage of earth and sky

Think about it and get back to me, okay?

Thestales writes,

What message are we sending to our kids when on every sports game there are commercials sending “messages” to our kids that Alcohol is okay. Not to mention the message that all the pharma is sending by placing sleep and boner med commercials too. Why do you people not care about these messages? Where are your groups standing out against these messages?

We are watching now

Hat-tip to Zonk.