Jack Murtha for majority leader

Jack Murtha

I hope he’s still up for that, because it would be a good choice for the new congress to make.

Jack Murtha was out in front against the war when others in the house were afraid to speak out.

Joe Lieberman

He voted for torture. Joe Lieberman is going to be the power-broker of the Democratic senate, if I am not mistaken. Joe could defect to the Republicans, after all he is an independent (Vanity) senator now.  And if the split is 49 Republicans plus Lieberman then Dick Cheney breaks ties and the Republicans keep power. So watch the Democratic party give Lieberman whatever he wants to caucus.

And I will say then what needs to be said, but for now it is speculation until the rest of the results are reported, which may have little or nothing to do with how people actually voted.

And there was communication

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Let there be communication

This, the day of the voting, and the communicating of our choices to the world, we raise our voices and proclaim our belief in a better world. A vote is being conducted among the people of the world, a vote for ourselves or for oblivion, and these are the two paths that we must all choose between. My arena is not this one or that one, but all arenas, the universal consciousness.

Toke for Peace

There is nothing more powerful you can do to change the world today than this simple thing. Toke early and toke often.

America, it’s late and things are real

HBO documentary: Hacking Democracy