John Bush admits he is a liar

This is progress, of a kind. Regarding his confident assertions that Donald Rumsfeld would not be resigning and was expected to remain war secretary for the next two years,

Asked about that comment, Bush said he made it because “I didn’t want to inject a major decision about this war in the final days of a campaign,” Bush said. He appeared to acknowledge having misled reporters, saying, “And so the only way to answer that question and to get you onto another question was to give you that answer.”

He added later, “Win or lose, Bob Gates was going to become the nominee.”

As reported in the Washington Post, quoted by Glenn Greenwald.

Tell us more, John.

So if the only way you have to get me to stop asking you a question is to tell me what you think I want to hear, then we aren’t having a conversation and you didn’t want a conversation anyhow. Do I have that right?

But eventually there will be some explaining to do, and everyone knows that if you put it off for later it’s just going to be a lot harder to convince anyone to trust anything you say. And you know there will be some questions you’re going to be unable to duck unless you resign, and that’s no better because you’re looking at real prosecution that will follow you anywhere you go, even to the ends of the earth.

So now is the plea bargaining.

Don’t ask me what this is…

Maybe start thinking about what you’re swallowing

I’m going to have a lot to say about Donald Rumsfeld. I’m waiting a bit until the news of his departure is a little bit more calmed down because that’s not the end of what needs to be said about him. Donald Rumsfeld is not just a war criminal, he has always been who is is and everything he has ever touched needs to be looked at with a microscope.

I’m talking about your food supply and your pharmaceuticals.

Do you trust Donald Rumsfeld with your life?

Related post:

For a new friend

Some parts of the video don’t seem to come through…

Posted in Music. 1 Comment »

For an older generation, I think…

This is the blue dream

We are here and speaking together, both humans and cannabis. That will seem very strange to some readers and I ask your forgiveness if it doesn’t make sense in your context.  But those who know will understand. Cannabis is living and speaking, and she knows what she is saying.

First order of business

Repeal the Military Commissions Act.

TBogg on Dean Barnett

Poor thing just forgot how to love and be loved

Thanks Jeff.

Impeach Cheney

That’s my suggestion.

Special reminder

Patrick Fitzgerald

I think we’ll be seeing some reports from him soon.

As they stream out the fire escape

Say hello

Mary lives

We’ve just woken up, and help is on the way.

Chief prosecutor of the United States

John Conyers

John Conyers, Jr.

Nancy Pelosi

Madame speaker, I think perhaps you will have a great deal to say.

I look forward to your new house.