Cannabis is benign

It’s that simple.


1. Kind; gentle; mild.

2. (medicine) Not posing any serious threat to health; not particularly aggressive or recurrent.

Hat-tip to afterburner.

4 Responses to “Cannabis is benign”

  1. Would you like to be injected with poison? « cannablog Says:

    […] Tell me again why the FDA thinks cannabis isn’t proven safe enough for use by medical patients? […]

  2. Cat Says:

    I love that Penn and Teller have taken up the spokesmen roll for 9-11, drugs and the Iraq war. What could be better than an overweight redneck psuedo comedian and an undergrown idiot vent crawler who doesn’t speak! Sort of like asking Mr Rogers for expertise on Hitler and friends.

  3. Caterwauler Says:

    Check out more comments on pot, hemp, Iraq, Saddam, GWB, Rocky, 9-11, most in good fun.

  4. whig Says:

    I don’t recall appointing any spokesmen.

    Oh, and Michael Moore is fat, so I’m told.

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