Every part enfolds the whole

When all is said and done


BBC News (h/t WIIIAI):

Israel’s deputy defence minister has said it will be left with “no choice” but to invade Gaza, if Palestinian militants step up rocket attacks.

Matan Vilnai said Palestinians risked a “shoah”, the Hebrew word for a big disaster – and for the Nazi Holocaust.

Happy blogiversary, Phydeaux!

Phydeaux and Phriends is one year old.

Replace petroleum, but don’t burn your food

My friend Taylor says we should switch to methanol as an intermediate step to the hydrogen economy, he points out that our cars could easily be made to run on methanol with little modification and the distribution system would be little different from ethanol, but we wouldn’t be burning our food.

Monkeyfister has a great post, and everyone should read it. He writes:

We told you– You can have food, or you can have ethanol… you cannot have both.

BUT– you can grow Hemp and Cannabis on marginal soil, where nothing but weeds will grow. Not only will it provide industrial and edible oils, it will provide paper, clothing, organic fertilizer, medicinal pain killer/appetite stimulator, and/or much, much more. Hemp and Cannabis will help to not only resurrect exhausted soils, but also provide desperately needed Tax Revenue. Re-Legalization will also destroy the Black Market for Cannabis.

Ethanol is great for Local, Rural economies with surplus bio-mass to spare. It can’t be scaled-up to National use without starving millions of people. It is good that we’re waking up to that. Perhaps that multi-year mandated Law, and the HUGE Government contracts it generated, could be justified by Re-Legalization of Hemp and Cannabis. I see nothing but win, win, win, win there. Gov’t revenue wins, Farmers win, those suffering with cancer or other illnesses win, the soil wins, the economy wins, trees win, the People win… What’s not to love about that?

The man has a point, there. And I think cannabis hemp makes an excellent renewable feedstock for methanol production, as well.

Unseen life on earth

By the way

What digby said.

Time after time

Allison Crowe’s version.

Eva Cassidy’s version.

Cybele’s reverie

older than ten thousand years

a thousand years of war

Eleanor Dubby

Free Don Siegelman

h/t Ellroon @ Rants from the Rookery, and thanks to BradBlog.

You have the right to dance

Over the rainbow

Natural and abundant, not semiperfect

Waves of light, sound and consciousness

Brother Sol

You can see without going blind.


How many times the speed of light?

Imogen Heap

Pay it forward

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo has awarded this blog an Excellent Rating.


I would like to convey this award on to the following ten blogs, all of whom are entitled to display this image proudly and to nominate ten more blogs they think also deserve it. Sooner or later, everyone might have one!

I’m just pleased to know when someone appreciates this blog, and hope everyone gets a chance to visit these fine blogs, which are in no particular order, and if I know someone already received this award they will not be listed here — these are some of the best of the best in my opinion, nonetheless:

  1. Dashiell
  2. Doug’s Darkworld
  3. State of the Day
  4. Why Now?
  5. Rants from the Rookery
  6. Bad Attitudes
  7. over the cliff, onto the rocks
  8. Mercury Rising
  9. The Mahablog
  10. Changing Places


Don’t immunize corporate criminals

h/t Wolfrum @ Shakesville.

Tree of life

Love or confusion

John McCain for president?

Song for Mary

You can has cheezburger, pls no drink my milkshake, you can has own

Posted in Music, Video. 1 Comment »

“Homeland” insecurity

Honolulu Advertiser (h/t Jess Wundrun):

A 14-day-old infant traveling here for heart surgery died at Honolulu International Airport on Friday after he, his mother and a nurse were detained by immigration officials in a locked room, a lawyer for the boy’s family said.

The Honolulu medical examiner’s office yesterday identified the infant as Michael Futi of Tafuna, American Samoa’s largest village, which is located on the east coast of Tutuila Island. Autopsy findings have been deferred.

According to police, the child died at 5:50 a.m. It is unknown why immigration officials detained the mother, the nurse and the child.

Analogical synthesis

Mind over matter

h/t mr damon @ 22 over 7.


Raise your consciousness now

Wear Eno Where

Better omens (or exorcisms)

Apocalypse in 9/11

Yankee doodle boogie to you, perhaps

Most Illuminated Being, Saint Robert Anton Wilson

Cannabis is the tree of life

Universal communication

There are more perspectives than two

There are more dimensions than three

Suddenly, sooner than you think

Chromosphere v2

All things connect

Rhythms of the universe

Power to the people

More chill
