Did two or more persons conspire to start a war based upon knowing deception?

Hat-tip Len Hart.

4 Responses to “Did two or more persons conspire to start a war based upon knowing deception?”

  1. Len Hart Says:

    Alex has a handle on it. Indeed, Bush’s war of aggression against the people of Iraq means trillions for the right wing cabals – Carlyle, Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil et al.

    As for setting up a military state, that had been all but accomplished shortly after the end of World War II. I refer readers to Gore Vidal’s “The Decline and Fall of the American Empire”.

    Bush, of course, wants to be the absolute dictator of a military state, the infrastructure is already in place. The best model is still the Roman Empire. Rome was dependent upon wealth trickling UP from its far flung provinces. It was hooked on empire. Augustus may not have been sincere when he said that he wished to restore the republic. But even if he had been sincere, it was already too late.

    As the US dollar weakens against foreign currencies and most prominently the Euro, US imperial ambitions will, like Rome, embolden would be dictators like Bush. When oil is traded in Euros, as both Iraq (before the invasion) and Iran have threatened, the US economy, which is utterly dependent upon oil, will fall precipitously.

    It is a verifiable fact that the first Persian Gulf War was an oil war. The senior Bush was displeased with Saddam who had increased production and lowered the price of oil. The transcripts of US Ambassador April Glaspie’s interview with Saddam Hussein on the eve of his invasion of Kuwait is chilling. Hussein put to Glaspie that Kuwait was, in fact, a part of Iraq. Glaspie answered that the US had no position on his “arab-arab” disputes. Saddam smiled and, the next morning, invaded Kuwait. It was the pretext Senior need to begin the first oil war.

  2. whig Says:

    Len, all well and good, but how do you propose we proceed?

  3. Len Hart Says:

    A massive boycott of any corporation supporting and supported by the Bush administration is a start. There is lots of stuff about that on the internet. Don’t buy anything from a corporation that is living off lucrative defense contracts.

    If you are really courageous you might consider not paying your taxes but that is a drastic step that many will not want to take. You can, however, be especially aggressive with your income tax return and remain within the letter of the law.

    Agitate! Tell everyone you know in as many different ways and media as you can that Bush has committed war crimes in Iraq, he has made terrorism worse and he has bankrupted the nation in the process.

    Seniors, especially should be alarmed. He is literally financing the Iraq war with deficits, deficits that will be paid out of the Social Security trust fund.

    I suggest anyone of military service age AVOID going into the military. Flipping burgers while you take somoe community college courses to improve your prospects is preferable to getting your legs blown off by a land mine or your head blown off in a car bombing. After all, FOX lies notwitstanding, Iraq is NOT our country. We have NO right to be there. Iraqis, for whom Iraq is HOME, have a right to defend their homeland with arms if need be. This does NOT make them terrorists. After all, the American colonists claimed the same right against King George and we were not even a separate nation as is Iraq now.

    Write letters to Congress and copy them to the media. You may be amazed by what might get picked up.

    Certainly, public opinion about Bush and his dirty, crooked war is getting around. His approval rating is around 27 or 28 percent and falling like a stone.

    Eventually, he cannot remain in office.

    In the meantime, the Democrats had best get on board. Bush has literally gutted due process of law, the right to a trial, habeas corpus, the right to be represented by counsel. It was all done under the cover story that it only applies to terrorists. Well, a terrorist is whomever Bush says is a terrorist. It is nothing more nor less than dictatorship, TYRANNY!

    Down with tyranny. Work to bring down the illegitimate Bush regime, the very worst regime in American history.

  4. whig Says:

    End world domination.

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